AlphPost Flow

AlphPost Token Distribution

Sale Details

Added Liquidity

Team Funding and Commitment

Part of the raised funds will support the team during the initial stages. Subsequent funding will come from vested team tokens, released as follows:

AlphPost Beta (PHASE I)

Launch Features

1. Posts


3. APAD Integration

4. ANS Integration

Upcoming Features

Stay tuned for these upcoming features and improvements! Feel free to contribute or provide feedback.

1. WebSockets

2. Mentions

3. APAD Community Sentiment

4. Notification Center

5. Pulse

Improvements and Enhancements

1. Login Flow Fix

2. UI/UX Update

How You Can Contribute

We welcome contributions from the community! Here’s how you can help:

Thank you for being a part of the AlphPost community! Your feedback and contributions are invaluable.